Creative Writing Classes for Middle Schoolers Near Me


Yawp classes are remote through the summer! Scroll down and click on our different programs pages for more details about remote classes.

More updates and information can be found on our COVID-19 Updates Page.

We are currently working on setting up an online writing community for teens. In the meantime, if you would like to opt-in to receive weekly writing prompts and writing exercises (via email or snail mail, your choice!), please fill out this form.

You can view all past writing prompts here.

Are you a teen who likes to write poems, stories, novels, or screenplays?

Come find your people! Join GrubStreet's Young Adult Writers Program (YAWP). YAWP students, ages 13-18, come from high schools all over the greater Boston area. Grub has four types of programs for teens: free Saturday sessions, Teen Writing Classes (most of which take place during school vacations), a three-week Summer Fellowship program, and summer-long Working in the Arts Fellowship program.

Want to find out more about our teen programs? Join our YAWP mailing list for all the latest news, and read former teen fellow Ruth Ballard's blog on the GrubWrites about why Grub's teen programs have been so important to young writers like her.

Saturday Sessions

GrubStreet throws its doors open during one Saturday each month, offering FREE creative writing workshops on a variety of topics each time: poetry, fiction, memoir, slam poetry, songwriting, playwriting, and much more! Learn more.

YAWP Summer Teen Writing Fellowship

GrubStreet's Summer Teen Fellowship immerses high school students in the writers' world of creative craft and publishing. During three weeks at Grub Street, teens work with published authors on original prose and poetry, meet with literary agents and editors, take field trips to inspirational locales like the ICA, and much more. In the spirit of writers' residencies for adults, all teens will receive a $625 stipend for their commitment to the program, and their time spent as working writers.

Teen Summer Writing Classes

In our multi-week and weeklong classes, students read and discuss published stories and poems, complete writing exercises, workshop each other's writing, and talk about craft (the tools and techniques in poetry, prose, and drama) alongside the writing process. These are the only tuition-based classes, but scholarships are available for every class with easy application information posted on each class page. (In addition to a summer program, we also have weeklong classes during February and April vacation weeks.)

YAWP Working in the Arts Fellowship

Each year, GrubStreet YAWP offers a fellowship for young writers interested in working in the arts. Two to three fellows will be chosen from applicants who are current YAWP students or YAWP Alumni.(A current YAWP or alumni student is anyone who's taken any YAWP teen class at HQ or in the communities.) This opportunity is designed to encourage and develop current YAWP students and alumni seeking careers in the arts or related fields.These fellows will support GrubStreet's YAWP program and occasionally other programs. In addition to work experience, Fellows will receive informal mentorship and gain access to other working artists. They will also receive a free GrubStreet class of their choice (a 10-week multi-week or equivalent) and have the opportunity to assistant teach, if they are interested.

Creative Writing Classes for Middle Schoolers Near Me


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