What Do You Need to Be a Back End Developer

What is Backend Development?

Back-end Development refers to the server-side development. It focuses on databases, scripting, website architecture. It contains behind-the-scene activities that occur when performing any action on a website. It can be an account login or making a purchase from an online store. Code written by back-end developers helps browsers to communicate with database information.


Most common example of Backend programming is when you are reading an article on the blog. The fonts, colors, designs, etc. constitute the frontend of this page. While the content of the article is rendered from a server and fetched from a database. This is the backend part of the application.

In this tutorial, you will learn

  • What is Backend Development?
  • Skills You Need to Become a Backend Developer
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Backend Developer
  • Frontend Developer Vs. Backend Developer

Skills You Need to Become a Backend Developer

Backend Developer Skills

Backend Developer Skills

Following are the skills you require to become a back end developer:

  • Web Development Languages
  • Database and Cache
  • Server

Web Development Languages:

Backend engineer should know at least one server-side or Backend programming language like Java, Python, Ruby, . Net etc.

Database and Cache:

Knowledge of various DBMS technology is one of the important Backend developer skills. MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, SQLServer, Redis are widely used for this purpose. Knowledge of caching mechanisms like varnish, Memcached, Redis is a plus.


Exposure to handling Apache, Nginx, IIS servers, Microsoft IIS

is desirable. A good background in Linux helps tremendously in administering servers.


Knowledge of web services or API is also important for full stack developers. Knowledge of creations and consumption of REST and SOAP services is desirable.

Other Pieces of the Puzzle:

  • Working experience of frameworks like Django for Python, Larval for PHP, etc
  • Ability to write quality unit tests
  • Knowledge of Algorithms and data structures is also an essential need for any professional full stack developer
  • An awareness of security concerns is important, as each layer has its vulnerabilities
  • Should know the differences between multiple delivery platforms like mobile vs. desktop
  • Basic exposure to frontend techs like HTML and CSS is desirable.
  • Knowledge of session management in a distributed server environment

Roles and Responsibilities of Backend Developer

  • The Back end developer job is to understand the goals of the website and come up with effective solutions
  • Storing data and also ensuring that it is displayed to that user who are supposed to have access to it
  • Responsible for developing Payment processing system like accepting data, securely storing that info, and making charges to that payment
  • Manage APIs resources which work across devices
  • He or she might be involved in the architecture of a system and Data science analyses.
  • Developers are responsible to organize the logic of the system which runs across various devices
  • Back end developer also needs to involved in building frameworks or the architecture to make it easier to program against.
  • Back End web developer should have the skills for implementing algorithms and solving system related problems.

Backend Developer Salary

As a BACKEND DEVELOPER, you are likely to earn $120,798 per year.

In this UK, the salary range is £40,000 – £70,000

Frontend Developer Vs. Backend Developer

Parameter Frontend Backend
Skillsets The languages that a front-end web developer should be familiar with are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The database, Server, API, etc.
Team Front-end developers design the look of the website, by taking user's inputs and modifying it through testing. Back-end developers develop an application that supports the front-end. It should also provide support, security, and content management.
Stand-alone Service Front-end development service can't be offered independently. Back end development can be offered as an independent service in the form of BaaS (Back-end as a service).
Goal Front-end developers should make sure that the website is accessible to all users, and it remains responsive in all views – mobile and desktop. The back-end team may need to create an application around the front-end and support it. Moreover, they need to make sure that the website opens up and functioning properly.
Average Salary $104,405 per year $120,798 per year
Most popular tools jQuery, HTML5 MySQL, PHP


  • Back end Development refers to the server-side development
  • Back end developer skills include Development Languages, Database and cache, Server, API (REST & SOAP), etc.
  • The backend web developer should understand the goals of the website and come up with effective solutions
  • The languages that a front-end developer should be familiar with are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript whereas Back End web developer should be familiar with the database, Server, API, etc.
  • Front-end development service can't be offered independently but Backend web development service can be offered independently.

What Do You Need to Be a Back End Developer

Source: https://www.guru99.com/what-is-backend-developer.html

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